Američanka Carson Ellis je oceňovaná ilustrátorka. U nás jej kresby môžete vidieť v knihách Benediktova tajomná spoločnosť od Trentona Lee Stewarta. Home je jej prvá autorská kniha.
„I love to draw homes because I love architecture. I love drawing buildings and all their angles and shingles and nailheads. I also love to draw homes because they naturally suggest narratives about the people (or what-have-you) who inhabit them. And I love to draw them because our own homes mean so much to us.“
„I liked the idea that someone as seemingly staid as a Japanese businessman might live in a house this strange and wonderful. And I liked the idea that a real Japanese businessman’s house might be, in its way, as fantastic as imaginary Odin’s house, Valhalla. This juxtaposition felt like it captured the soul of ‘Home’ to me.“
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Text/Ilustrácie: Carson Ellis
Vydal: Walker Books, 2015
Strán: 40
ISBN: 9781406359428
Táto by sa nám hodila ku knihe D.O.M.E.K. 🙂
a mne by sa hodil prave ten. akurat musim pockat na dotlac, lebo zase maju vsade vypredane.
Slovakian duchess!som odpadla prave…mala by som asi pozhanat, ked uz som ta architeta…
a čo tak toto (ako architektka, plus to ma otvracie okienka)
som kukla, ilustrácie neskutočne super pritazlive, až sa mi oči rozsirili, ale vyber stavieb trocha klišé sa mi vidí.akoze aj tak vobec nie zle, ale tento home sa mi viac pozdava…(slovakian duchess a messy home uz len tazko nejaka eiffelovka tromfne